Saturday, 28 November 2009

Post 3

Electronic Art 3

With Whom Do I Share This Sweet Duress

Too Noisy To Word

The Sound Meaneth

Lets Begin With A Painting

Another Painting


About In London 2

301009 File Wmv

231109 File Wmv

Post 2

Those of you knoweth, solicitor on Tuesday 24th (filters please) presented gp letter (to) with stamp on it to magistrates, and they adjourned for four weeks so all the other parties can pull their socks up.


It is very cold, such that it justified wearing my seeth. I was going to wear the baseball cap but it would have blown off. I am detoxing my bloodstream with herbal teas, but later on when televisioneth I will be doing the opposite.
(a beat)
As you will have gathered I am at the shop useth cusions in my ears on both sides. The seeth has a layer of rubber in them for extra cusioning which I put in myself which buyeth from a do-it-yourself shop.
(a beat)
It is my intention today to download some more doths, and to upload some that I having done.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Post 12

They cannot trick me into asking solicitor to take out an injunction on the police at Edmonton Green, for that would put me on someone's London-wide watch list using the overhead cctv. It would stop the incidents from occurring, but I would prefer the sprinkling of the holy water act. I think they have things on their conscience projected onto me, corrolated to something, and don't know what to do about it. I would like to go through the files, for they are mine, as opposed to not doing so, but for the purpose of renaming them as shorter filenames, to empty cds, to retrieve some mobile home and other pictures for my doths, and to begin some screen grad pattern doths using the filenames albeit altered a bit to hide peoples's idententites. To be honest they are destined to end up in orange junpsuits in Cuba.

Post 11

I am very tired and will go back in a minute.
(a beat)
I was going to tell them how they can do it, and then go through the various options with full instructions. But I have overlooked it. And I shall not do it in my doths, Little Black Box will block it.
(a beat)
A Professional Job is nineteen scenes long, and begins with an ambulance driver in Enfield Town being killed when he turns the ignition key. The next Act will feature an assasin killing a senior police officer outside New Scotland Yard after defying Special Branch, by stepping up the side of his car with a sawn off shotgun and unloading both barrels at point blank range into his head. Blowing his brains all over the side wall and blowing the glass out.
(a beat)
I am looking forward to working on this.

Post 10

The Edmonton Green PA System ends with thank you. You will recall that I began a doth or did a doth illustrating this at the bus station. They are child-like in their mentality and treat such words as farce, as I am certain some of you know. Do not be afraid to speak out about this, if you are, for there is freedom of speech in this country. Listening to any of our MPs on the television will tell you this.
(a beat)
My solicitor is happy that I am "co-operating" with the requirements*, but she is concerned that my GP is unhappy about all this. When I said that I have seen my Gp and gave her a letter of permission to give report, which she photo-copied and stamped, she agreed that we can leave this matter until after Tuesday. That is, perhaps I will take the form to the Enfield Magistrates Court on Tuesday, but I have said to her that if I sign it - which I do not have to - I will later revoke it. That is, the signature will not be mine, and will apply only to that one thing.
(a beat)
I am an expert at the written word, yes? And pretty good at the spoken one in formal situations.
(a beat)
I am pleased with the ear pieces, which sandwich the whole of the inner ear with a layer of solid rubber, with rubber at the rear where the opening is, with speakers encased in insulated solid plastic. They are very good, thank you for bringing them to my attention and putting them on sale on the high street. Now I have to buy a solid rubber head piece, some time of hat with ear covers that can be pulled right down to sound-proof my environment one hundred percent. I have seen some local people wearing them. One man even wears big headphones that go right over your ears and puts them about in public. I bet they contain four double A batteries in each piece, to cancel the Noise electronically.
(a beat)
How many of you my fanbase are here now, I know that some of you are, how many I do not know. Fifty, a hundred countrywide, a thousand world-wide? MP's, people I used to have formal correspondence with? The legal people in London? My solicitors? The court?

Post 9

"One feels released from a death sentence." It was also acknowledged, that is with my active verbal countering before the shrink, and again before solicitor, that the reason why social worker was anxious to know how I am "how you are coping, how your benefits are" etc - this is in writing - was because I was not under their watch list called Care in the Community or monitoring. I recall that being said today shortly before I was released, but knew it anyway*, that this type of thing would not be appropriate for me given my interests.
(a beat)
* There was a man in one of the other cells (places of safety) that spoke in the voice of a devil, saying "Our name is legion for we are many". It is such that I imagine myself sprinkling Edmonton Green with holy water after asking permission of the Vatican.

Post 8

a beat

Post 7

I am alleged on Friday night, in the third of three cases to date by the same police unit, to have committed criminal damage to a police car door. It is not being treated as corrolated by any of us, excepting that it draws my eye to the door.
(a beat)
However at the last second in some confusion the police let me go to return on the 15th (I think) of December to see what the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) will do. Emphasis on the first of these words, yes?

Post 6

These were:

1. He agreed that Anselom cannot come to my home.
2. He agreed that I have a right to my privacy in my home, and that no-one can smash the door down.
3. He accepted that Anselom is a psychopath and I might prosecute him. (For he brought ten witnesses).
4. Anselom himself accepted this, but still wants to see me. I find this interesting given the allegation against me, and may counter like I used to by letter correspondence along with my solicitor.
5. I may see the shrink again but for my own purposes. we agreed that it would not be that much, so the next one is in three weeks time. After that we'll get it down to about six months.

Post 5

We are assuming, as one must, that this is plural. I.e. it is happening to others. We assume anyone can be Taken from their home in front of parents, husband, boyfriend, family, etc - albeit not with background checks - to be abducted to a place of safety. Some to be sectioned without evidence, forced on medication that can kill, and others released as I was after an hour.
(a beat)
They asked me, but could not force, to attend interview there with Anselom a social worker who ordered it "we are bound by law" (Enfield Magistrates Court which Tuesday ordered it - we do not know if corrolated - and a psychiatrist whose name I will omit for the time being because he agreed with me on several points.

Post 4

On the 30th, despite saying appointment to see Gp at Edmonton Green surgery to give letter of permission to get report from her on medical condition, ten men smashed my door down and I was abducted by ambulance to a place of safety (interrogation), notably Chase Farm Hospital. They wanted to say one thing to me: "We have no evidence that you have done anything wrong."
(a beat)
It was traumatic but I have some alcohol in me that has rubberised my body.
(a beat)
There are some words of intimidation being put to me, but have I not dealt with this type of thing in the past?
(a beat)
The police told me that I have an injury, and I showed the scar to several people including both doctors, and the solicitor, as well as several police. They said it is on my stomache, but we found it on my upper leg area. The first doctor said that it was self-inflicted.

Post 3

I have a friend with me who acted as Professional Witness - correction, Responsible witness (the word Professional just came out) - we can use it - the one that owns the mobile home. So there is a witness to these matters along with my main solicitor. Baring it in mind that . . .

Post 2

I wasn't going to go out that day, but I wanted to post my links. I thot it would matter to the hearing that is scheduled for Tuesday. Baring in mind what Judge Lyons has said. It is alright to say his name, for I am into that now, heading down the road of documentaries albeit with discretion content wise. He said it with a ring of Catholicism in my face, or rather the Barister did. That is how it interpreted.


On Friday evening about 5 I made my way back to Edmonton Green rail station by W6 bus from Southgate, and was arrested by the police. I had said that I am willing to absorb anything that He wants to give to me on behalf of others, then reiterated to Him perhaps five or six, as many as he wants. So perhaps that was it.

I hadn't slept that night so sleeping over was easy, it doesn't matter what bed you sleep in when tired.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Post 2

It is trial & error when one doth use fonts of other colors, those of you that knoweth how to will increase the size of your media player screen to readeth my text in the latter scenes. While the rest of you will have to lean in close with your noses against it, like I did.
(a beat)
It is readable so I'll leave it as it is without redoing it, and put that color on a different color background the next time around.
(a beat)
Man these are good.


Seeth & The First Bump

Monday, 9 November 2009

I watched it before posting, it complements them I think. For I ought not forget or overlook him. One has to follow through, yes? I am very tired this morning having been up all night completing these three doths (one was already completed), and I wasn't going to upload them right now but I got something to eat out in a cafe thereof, then got the bus to Enfield Town, and so I came here. Pigeons and his friends are here along with police patrols! (a beat) My next doth already scripted at ten scenes is called The Viewing Port, and I have the others of Sub-Projects 3 to do as well. (a beat) I paid two weeks rent and three weeks tv licence, in the run up to the big event. A young woman, probably cid affiliated here, whistled at me as to speak in a tongue, the only one that did, saying something like "Ir, I'll see you in the freehouse, I'll be with some of my friends. Catch my eye several times and I'll come over."
Seeth & The Bump

What was this one, I do not remember. Will it contradict the three that I did this week since uploading the others, or will it compliment them?

The Progression

Seeth & The Aeroplane

Seeth & The Fourth Bump

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

3 more doths:

In Oxford 3:

Did You Buy This Flat? Part 1:

Spirit Level Part 1:

Post 6

An exercise in memory yes? As the man comes in wearing a Black Mac courtesy of Little Black Box, who can do a lot more than PaintNet and Gimp. Another man comes in, they both sit down, and my thots go to that which thinketh this morning. Or rather, shortly before I came out. Which was late this afternoon.
(a beat)
Why did Court ask me to plead twice?
(a beat)
But I am not inexperienced in this - at least I do not think I am - and there is major evidence of encouragement word wise, so it will be interesting to see if it is true what having been seth, that "It is going to regress."

Post 5

Having you established what type of hoax calls these are yet and who is making them thereof, notably by observation at close range, and talking to the man on the stretcher who having been taken serious ill? As another two men, perhaps the same ones, come in trying to speak to me through the rubber, saying "Please continue, we beg you, to violate the code (Help make office better), the Integrity, to give us ideas thereof, for we cannot prevent ourselves from plagiarising your words, they will shut us down, it is why you are public enemy number one - I had these words in mind but had forgotten them - " / "Don't say any more concerning this, as it will bring the Integrity into question." But why should I do what they say?
(a beat)
The minicab office made me wait, perhaps for the better, then I remembered that I needed some items from the shop. When I got back, I saw the no smoking sign that putteth up for some reason, in front of a wood door and glass or plastic windows, the security entry pad on the door, and a man came in behind me as my eyes went through the plastic air vent into the space where the pcs are, whic are Dells.

Post 4

There was thunder just then which drained on the shop light. Apparently this doth not happen to the lights at specialist it places. And about which we hath to aspire thereof.
(a beat)
Currently we are on one of the bottom rings of that ladder that was hack sawed off.
(a beat)
The man leaves.
(a beat)
Why doth thunder drain on the shop's lights? I was going to say now remembereth (when you are pleased in heart everyone in your field of vision will clap their hands - this is the positive circuit. Therefore there is also a nevative one, and both can be faked), so I Wake, and a group of people speak in a foreign language soundeth happy, but where from? Was it upstairs like there are people in who then all go silent or was it out the front where the road is, some passers by? - Because pulleth, yes. It pulleth on something in the local environment or something that is connected to it, a pipe, something that is connected to the national electric grid

Post 3

No I'm kidding, don't tell anyone that I said this or I'll have MI5 all over me. Actually I don't mind, if that is what they want to do with their time, but I doubt that it is true that they put civilians on the watch list. For if they did as to be spending all their time media owned cctv wise, with police, they would nevere be able to see any terrorists. For like the latter counter-espionage wise, our car became invisible to the satellites in the traffic and in the heavy rain, just as likewise it doth beneath trees. Even police helicopters cannot see you.

Post 2

I am presented therefore with a potential illustration albeit part of a doth in my thinking thereof - two community officers did not recognise me - it being a short left turn, around sixty feet, and the longer straignt one on a slight left curve up to the roundabout where the Ambulance was over on the right, the roundabout at over a hundred feet, and the Ambulance at around a hundred and eighty!
(a beat)
Little Black Box who having emulated color matchs in advance albeit in the faiths - for this is written somewhat - cannot play darts, but he can analyse as to understand fully the board upon which they are on.
(a beat)
He went in therefore through one of the exhaust pipes of the car that had the readable licence plate.

No Papers Today

I am at the shop, they know which one. For we met an Ambulance thereof at the big Roundabout - this is the one that The Process does not like* - (*or rather, he doth like!) - which overlooked the left turn round the back roads that was immediately available to us almost as an invitation, and heavy rain to the point of Forked Lightning.
(a beat)
As I got out of the car I seth I hope it hits the car, but that he should not take it personally. If it hits the Ambulance I hope it blows the tires as it negates on the tarmack.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Post 7

a beat

Post 6

17:17 ! That's fair isn't it? You don't pay me by dla, I don't pay them my rent. You know I don't care if I end up stealing a motor home.

Post 5

10 Minutes Later
(a beat)
I feel somehow connected to it, as though there might be something in my background rhetoric wise.
(a beat)
My DLA came in today. By this I mean that something havng come in that is more figure wise than my fortnightly benefit, which is due in on Friday. I will use this to buy food, then on Friday I will check that my benefit is in. If it then the rent department will get a couple of weeks back pay.

Post 4

a beat

Post 3

Last night as I lay down after massive doses of cold beaters and other stuff all the thots passed through my mind one by one, but not repeating I don't think, of the fictional and factual terrorists getting their come uppances, including most notably the Ata one who told the men to fly a plane into a building. I saw it in my mind's eye as though behind him, when the documntary account on television had him carrying this out under command then panicking as it was about to crash into it.

Post 2

It is better if I don't use Fonts!
(a beat)
Quicker I mean
(a beat)
Permitting me to type and just say what I want to say
(a beat)
albeit with some mindful editing thereof
(a beat)
I am not saying that Any of it is corrolated to my Case but in the absence of it at such time when expected wording wise you will permit me in the faiths generalised intelligence.
(a beat)
This is not to be recommended by minors, and by anyone experienced in reading text of medias, as it can steer you off course.

They Can Win It

I bot the late afternoon's edition of The Mirror (I wanted The Sun but there wasn't one, there was of 7 or 8 other main papers) - or at least I didn't see one on several looketh, the former I think - and there it was the big bold heading They Can Win It.

Yes! But equally They Can Also Lose It.