Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Post 10

Ir, sayeth Spike, he doth know you can bet on it, and he seth if you are going to anything with this text do it in a script, for that what he doth and you will be in sync with him.
(a beat)
I save both blog webpages as .html files to the pen.

Post 9

Ask a Doctor online pop up in the pay as you go sceme at right, my mind goth to someone I know at the Imdb which thinketh yesterday, doth he know?
(a beat)
Perhaps the Doctor and I are in sync, do you know what I mean?

Post 8

What have I seth?
(a beat)
I once did this mistype thing and ended up with an excellent doth that went on for several months. It having a story and a plot as another siren goes off (but it is in the distance). Or it may be something else.
(a beat)
In the last couple of days I having been overcome a cold. I having been napping a lot. And what is this thing about the adverts? Nevertheless, I shall continue to omit them.

Post 7 A Beat

a beat

Post 6

Did you forget the words or are these the correct ones?
(a beat)
I doth not see any difference (mistyping doth happen!) between this text and that which would have been typed had Spike inspected the keypad, excepting that this text is submitted as a documentary.

Post 5

Windows 8 is not easy to use, so I asked Spike to find some key words on the keyboard, but again he said No Ir. I know why, he doth not want my thots to become corrupted, but they already are. It is a perfectly legitimate procedure, however he may be suggesting to us that doing what I was going to do at first * (Ir suspects the landline phone will ring, but overlooked any mobile ones) is better.

Post 4

You are correct! It was because I told you that the Dell is useth Windows 8 (the thot may have come to me anyway).

Post 3

I'm only speaking dialogue, not really as me, I am in the Middle now you see.

Post 2

I still think that the misspell of o (an albeit illegal cop car siren went off as *

The Next Day

I am in sync with the man next to me two Dell's down, so the games may be interesting. There are only two sides to this coin.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Post 9

I am using Windows 8 and it is nice to look at display wise, and those of you doing same can open a new webpage using the File at top.

Post 8

At least two people having had a problem with the ear pieces, still useth and loud, however - won't refer to make right now - one of them has packed up! I got it going briefly by pulling the wire a little from the plastic part that both are on - one is lonter than they other - so there may be something blocking the music on that wire. But on the plus side it acts as a very good bung in that ear, which makes that side of my head virtually sound-proofed. In fact it is more or less the same as having music coming through it. There doth not appear to be any way to fix this.

Post 8

No Ir.

Post 7

Spike anyone doth you know what the misspell of o is? and if it would be normal for such a misspell to occur concerning those letters around it that are under the fingers? (a beat). Evidently they will fiX the bold/italic function. Sorry I got my mind of such things now, as knoweth, such that I find it all oh interesting.

A beat

Post 6 - a beat

Post 5

The middle one. X-wise, there are three of them. I won't speak too soon so shall omit words, perhaps to omit key-word searches from occurring, (*perhaps they are not), I've bot two hours and am tired but not very. So we shall see. I thot Spike and I might have a discussion about the continuation of our doth.

Post 4

It's interesting how that happens, perhaps others are aware of it - as to find it interesting. Or odd as the cases may be. I was once in the pc part of a library among many others, and a boy about twelve with his family/friends, was standing at my left shoulder for well over half an hour as I typed the words of an email, dithering on whether to send while conscious of him. It was worse than the internal cctv that may be able to see the passwords being typed at the keyboard*. Then he left suddenloy as though sprung to do so, when I hit send.

Post 3

Let's try now. (I went to four internet shops this morning first to the one at Southgate, then found this one that is open). *

Post 2

I have not as yet tried both bold and italic at the same time! (a beat). And over the weekend I had on my mind the dual core, I wonder if they are really any better. I suppose they are. And quad core, some say not.


So I bot this morning's Mirror, partly because the Name reminded me of our doth, and saw on the back page something arms wise that reminded me of my doeth last night, or in the early hours. And the man next to me a few pcs down is frisky.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Post 5

"Yes, seth Ir, and with whom
there was speech earlier, we can
and must develop it, notably with
roads all around."

So this is what they do

(Ir digs out his Screenwriter's

"We shall do that at the next ses-

Post 4

"Ir, sais Spike, can we develop
this for we having a sign. It is
viewable from all around?"

Post 3

I having had something about my mind in recent weeks, and now I have something more on it. For the lorry comes up the hill where the trailer is, so therefore there is a forked road local to it. One side goes up the hill and the other side goes into town where he gets supplies.

Post 2

Meaneth effectively that he having been emptying its waste and distilled water unused, etc, for the lorry to come filleth, up with some more, that will last he and Bit-Part about six weeks. (For these hold a lot).

Tuesday 22nd

The length of our trailer which Useth measureth again, which having been given a conditional discharge.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Post 9

I just sent my email to the doctor, about six short paragraphs to explain the situation. I will upload it for you later, perhaps with a lot of it painted out. Or, as some of you can remove the paint, I will upload only bits of the text repasted onto the email. Sounds a bit complicated yes? But I am hungry and I want to get something to eat.
(a beat)
I have not been looking at or listening to any media. It is better for me I think, even though I bought The Sun this morning and read one item in it. Was it anticipated that I might do so, perhaps not, who knows? Even little things somehow find their way into the media such that I cannot bear it, so no media it is, for now anyway. Perhaps later on when I am not doing anything. I tell myself that perhaps I am doing such little things as which are common, and am only observing that which could have come from others. But aprons apart (for their is some truth in this) it often appears to me to be so profound that it goes beyond this as a possibility.

Post 8

a beat

Post 7

Those of you unable to read the text of the uploaded email from solicitor will have to look for the zoom button at the photo bucket page, or otherwise click other links there which take them to the same page only displayed with clickable uploads to make them bigger.
(a beat)
Currently I cannot see the Send To button in my email account, so when I do I will upload the cc again painted out for you to see, to confirm that I have sent to the doctor.
(a beat)
Perhaps he would like to come to my flat and have a look at it, for he has not himself as yet done me any wrong.
(a beat)
Currently the Government's housing inspector has not been there.
(a beat)
I hear Spike say that perhaps I ought to give the clickable one to you so you won't have to do any of this.

Post 6

Assume that the Spirit directed and took control thereof, that the message had to be put on display to the public. Natasha was not meant to receive it.
(a beat)
I have sent you an email.
(a beat)
I think someone with site-building know-how and ability to widely distribute online, should build a site for people like me - for I do wonder who at this or that bus stop is undergoing similar duress with threats and such being directed at them - can upload such letters that are causing them to fear, with the identities partly painted out, so that the public and all its legal observers can inspect it. Some for free, others for a fee.

Post 5

The cc still is not in my inbox, nor is it in the sent folder. The server is internet based not computer based, so there could be a fault there. I do not know where it went, emails do go astray perhaps on occasions. It is possible that a fault in the server occurred at that moment. In the past when I first went on the internet I had many instances where I could not make a post on a message board that I frequented, and then when it went through the site got shut down. It was confirmed by everyone on it that they couldn't get in either. So it is better to assume that others will have had the same thing, and not only me. However I also had many instances where major technical problems prevented me from getting things that I needed, like all day, then when it finally went through the neighbors put out white flags, i.e. a public sign of defeat.

Post 4

I also thought last night as I lay there, that I think I ought to have two blogs, one for my doths and the other for my blogging. However I have stuck with the one, for I have it, and it therefore has the both in it.
(a beat)
Perhaps I could write my blogs as a .html file in Word thereof and upload it as a webpage to a free webspace provider, then I would only have to paste the hyperlink to it here for you, and the hyperlinks to my doths would not keep going all the way down onto previous pages, for it is logical that from time to time new people will be coming here. But again I have stuck with doing it this way because to do it that way would require me to write it all in advance with the possibility that technical problems would prevent its upload. In a blog your text is displayed to the public immediately.

Post 3

I will phone Anselom later today to confirm with him that threat is not immediate.
(a beat)
There are some things that I do not understand, but I think it best merely to mention this on the 22nd. The Pink Paper for instance which gave me a month of duress which had by law to inform me of the attack, and which said as solicitor confirmed in writing, that it cannot be implemented again. And the current threat by the doctor apparently in email correspondence with solicitor, or phone etc - implying beurocratic corrolation, or confusion causing corrolation - who is or was thinking about doing it again.
(a beat)
Are there families, couples etc, with or without backgrounds, with or without physical/psychological abilities of defence (mine more the latter), that let these dudes smash their doors down to abduct their children for interrogation at a place of safety?

Post 2

I told her in a ten minute conversation that there was no question that I would not see him, but I had not received any letters. (It seems an odd thing to say to solicitor, that several appointment letters were sent in this short a time period, and from what I remember, secretary said one cas sent at the end of November).
(a beat)
I asked for the doctor's email account and said I would email him today, as she said that she can contact him and would send him an email herself, to say this to him. I mentioned that we, myself and Fellowes, are not treating these matters as correlated, although I myself suspect that they may be, at least by the beurocrasy.
(a beat)
I am going to see the doctor for another chat therefore when he gets back from his leave, it is not related to the hearing on the 22nd. We will have that and then I will see him (if that is the court wants me to). It makes it sould like I have rigged it doesn't it?


The Next Day
(a beat)
Last night as I lay on my bed unable to sleep, the alarm on for 5.30 am, I could not remember much of the text of solicitor's email to me, even now perhaps three lines which I cannot make out. But one thing I want to ask her: Did she mean immediately?
(a beat)
It was icy cold when I came out and met a utility worker at the bus stop, he told me the busses start running at 5.30. (I had turned off the alarm so as not to alert my neighbors, and so I did not sleep). Snow all over the pavement, roads, and the odd car. People just driving them to work or wherever without wiping it off. Another gothic landscape laid out in front of me.
(a beat)
I went to Edmonton Green intent on sitting there in a hot spot, then going to the mental health place on Fore Street at 9 o clock, confident that I was not walking into a trap. But it was too cold. I had thermal clothing on etc. A bus came so I got on that and went to Tottenham Hale.
(a beat)
I used up my phone's air time calling the doctor's secretary at 9 o clock, who told me that he is on leave, I think for a week.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Post 24

See 22 wasn't the end! Fortunately there are also 23 and 24 foot versions, and perhaps it is the case that I have miscalculated our length. Perhaps I must do it again.(a beat) Am I permitted to further express myself over the weekend as the pen undergoes a scan thereof to prevent a virus? (a beat) It is up to the prosecution to inform both to send letters, while Natasha having said only Dr Potter sent them. So I will say this to the majistrate, or rather, to Rebecca on the 22nd. And the magistrate will ask the prsecution, whose names I do not currently know, why they have not done that most critical thing which they asked them to postpone for four weeks for. And doth Natasha understaned this? I do not think so, but perhals she does. Perhaps most people would. Perhaps she is invoking great fear for a reason. (a beat)I tire, last night there was a pestilence again, then there was loud music. And do you believe me? For you . . .

Post 23

What do you think, did Natasha send the email (in response to mine) during ordinary correspondence, or did someone else? And what if - I will probably doth this, some doths begin here or at the Imdb as script outlines - we do not know who sent it and she doesn't read it? What if the content plays right into the agenda of the 22nd?(a beat). It's an interesting situation isn't it? I am used to it, it is a variation of what I have had before. So if you want to know what happened then watch what happens now.

Post 22

I thot that concluding at post 22 is fitting.(a beat). It is still silent which is good. It is how I like it, indeed how we all do. Hopefully I will be able to get to the shop which sells food, or otherwise take cover then divert down a back street.(a beat). I'm only joking. (a beat) What is most difficult about the miscalculation points mentioned in the doth, is that when they occur one has to keep the aspired wisdom to oneself, as wisdom given but not to be shared with those doeth. For it is wisdom for me alone, not even to be recorded in a text file anywhere, I must remember it, or trust that he in which I having believed since my younger days shall inform me of it, or an interpretation thereof, hopefully a dos-like subfolder containing several - but active rhetorics I will leave to him - at the precise time when it acquired of me to speak. And currently not much has been asked of me. I think that is always the way it was. I speak and express myself in text.

Post 21

Today I sent an email reply to Natasha, to correct her wording of fear. For fear is the key. And then noted that it has two email addresses. But why would an enemy of the people currently picking on me court wise display this in it, knowing that I might not reply if to reply would be their objective? Hence sensibility sais that Natasha sent it to me, in response to mine. To such extent that I expect my cc to enter my inbox henceforth, for if I sent the text in a right mind then she received it, because I say so. (a beat). And why would such an email have two addresses on it as to invoke caution, when one might upload it for public display, and some will be able to see it. Their hard and software can get in to these things just as Xp ignores corrupted files. (a beat). Perhaps whatever it is, which albeit is confusion manifested, overlooked that I might focus on the omitted thing and edit the text with red ink prior to its display. So let's focus on its ignorances as well, and currently there are two of them. Or perhaps it knew both of these things, in which case we must assume that this enemy is attepting to assist me.

Post 20

What got me onto this? The mobile phone call to the man next to me perhaps as I edited the critical text out. Here I am instructing you on how to see the snapshot, as Photo Bucket is undergoing an update right now, and there are several errors being fixed, notably permitting the hyperlink to go straight in but not as yet to appear as clickable link. So you must highlight it left to right with the mouse, right click and copy, paste it into the hyperlink strip at top of your browser, and hit return. This is the manual process of doing something that ordinaryly would be automatic, and hopefully in a short time it will become so. (a beat)Perhaps someone else sent it during normal correspondence by same with two friends, as the man undergoes a coughing fit. The games were good, we have finished them at today's session. There is sensitivity that is all. I hope they can help my cousin, I think they should give him some patches to force him off the drink, and off of the smoking. They should at least take the opportunity to put the smoking patches on him. I will take responsibility for this and later apply my signature to any papers concerning it. So you can blame me if he objects to it while conscious, I am used to it.

Post 19

My email to Natasha can be seen here (assume by logic that she uses both variations of email address): (or go to my photo bucket)

a beat

. . .

Post 17

And now I must go for the weekend having it on my mind that the ten dudes in riot gear are in the process of thinking about repeating that action. But at least I have something to think about to occupy my thinking as I attempt to negate it. (a beat). So how many are there that this having been done to? Have any of you succeeded in prosecuting? Did you do deals and negotiations? For later. Even my doths are completed now, or are they?(a beat)In our faith fear is negated, by prayer, by deeds. Probably both are equal as negaters. Some have faith and others have actions. This is an action that doeth now, keeping my words in check so as not to breach that act. Perhaps it is feared by many that this could be seth. But not by me, no not I, not under any circumstances. For logic informs me that a failsafe mechanism would kick in. (a beat). So I seth therefore with some intuition that we shall speak again on the 22nd, in the presence of the prosecutor. Perhaps she has been absent minded, yes? And I feel satisfied at laying it bear today for those looketh, and mentioning the paranoa concerning my cousin's late father, for it is thot that he may have a little to me. I do not know. Perhaps the mental health people are not helping him with this for this reason, to protect my benefits. Whic is good because it is what I think too, so we are on the same wavelength. But again it is probably inadvertent, or at least, is conscious but is not being seth or put into words. (a beat). They said when sectioning him in handcuffs at my request for he needs to be sectioned and injected - as was witnessed - that "We cannot force him to come off of the alcohol (which is killing him). If he wants to drink we cannot force him not to."

Post 16

The shop is closing at 7, which gives me time to think. The mental exercises that I do have not had to be that profound notably because I know what has to be said, although there are I suppose a few more key words to catch that come by the wind, if the dream that I had last night is anything to go by.(a beat)I ask those of you looking in that are able to, to contact the Fore Street (and Chase Farm) senior people and ask them to permit the hearing of the 22nd to proceed. For I expect to be given a community order as is stated in writing on solicitor letter. Then the paranoia will disperse to the wind. And make sure that they get it, I suppose, by speaking to them. My cc (carbon copy) to Natasha in reply to her letter at 3.30 today has not returned to my inbox as yet. In it I gave three or so paragraphs, the last one short, and emphasised that I am focusing on the words that she has omitted. You will permit me please some confidentiality and privacy concerning this.

a beat

a beat

Post 14

I do not expect anything serious to happen on the 22nd, and I am of course fully aware that Natasha's email (in response to mine) may be cleverly worded to reinforce this belief. But I suspect this is inadvertent. If it causes great fear then it is logical to suspect that it could cause this to me, hence a considerable amount of cider is required. (a beat). Perhaps I should change solicitors or go back to not having any.

Post 13

13 posts is ok I think and amounts to the paragraphs of a three page letter, addressed to notable people and delivered to them intact. And about the same length as speakage by a hearing, for that is what it is. The little box ticketh Decision as the track plays. And Sashi says "It was the jobcenter that first got you into this." It is dark so we have some cover. Those of you knoweth that my text of today is mixing fact and fiction, the latter notably nearing it end. Speaking of which . . .

Post 12

I read Natasha's email at 3.30 pm today, I have to buy food as to have my strength for the 22nd (which is the length of our trailer at Oxford), and after reading it though I am strong background wise, perhaps I shall have some more cider to rubberise my body, and to cushion my mind such that nothing that is seth even done will have an affect on me. And I must also remember to take the pharmaceutical items, cold beaters and such, as the weather today is icy cold such that everyone here is expecting it to snow.(a beat). And doth you believe me? Apparently the court is having a hard time accepting my pleas of guilty to that most dreadful act which has a weakness through its wording. (a beat). So it was at the time of reading, i.e. 3.30 today, too late of me to be expected to go to Fore Street useth precious money of food, and possibly of cider, which will be needed next week. They are not giving my cousin access to his late father's bank account and savings, which is causing him paranoia. Perhaps I can write a letter to them. And how is my cousin in Kuntucky?

Post 11

These threats and acts are quite illegal.(a beat). Logic informs me that they must be under law. If one has the right by law to defend their property, then why havn't they done it to anyone that has fought back? Is it coincidence or luck on their part that they have not done this to anyone as yet whose background would not facilitate it?(a beat)As knoweth I am doing a little exploring, and I do not require their help.

Post 10

But so do many, and that is where the key problem lies.(a beat). Logic informs me that there are people here knoweth that have family like me, for I cannot be the only one happpeneth. Though if I was the only one, with all cctv directed on me useth infra red and microphones ha ha, I wouldn't mind, as I am a good actor. Has anyone got a pram and a glass of water?(a beat)I am reminded, but I had it in mind anyway, just that currently I had forgot, (and did you forget that they have no evidence?),

Post 9

If the expected letters come in the next few days, it will be too late for me to attend them before the 22nd. I have reason to believe, or rather, to suspect (being legally trained and a word smith), that both the Enfield Magistrates Court letter writing department, and the Enfield Probation Service's Chris something who asked for my blog hyperlink and may have seen my doths, do not want to be the ones that initiate something that could appear as a sabotage of a legal process by the mental health service run by the NHS. God it's all so beurocratic isn't it.(a beat). Those of you knoweth I have American and European interests, as well as the British one.

Post 8

My Mp3 player currently plastic has switched to classical music. Shall I switch it back to a heavy beat?(a beat)Logic informs me that there are a number of people in the legal field here that are looking in on my words right now, and that will themselves be informed of them. It is logical that information about the 22nd is required by them. They will be looking in on anything that they can get. And it is good for me also to be able to type here as an alternative occupation to my art of coloring and to the doths.(a beat)It is not knowable how many as I do not useth a hit counter, which displays how many people are dropping in. It could be a hundred by this evening, a thousand, or (let's be sensible), considerably more world-wide.

Post 7

a beat

Post 6

I remind all of some things:(a beat)1. Breaketh of 10 in riot gear "My name is Richard", interrogation seth "We have no evidence that you have done anything wrong." (a beat)2. Dr Potter seth that it is inappropriate of me to see Anselom because he has committed an act of violence against me.(a beat)3. Others speak of great fear in the hospitals, only response is to separate wards. (a beat)4. I have attended each appointment at police station and at courts. Three cases, two not guilty, one we won after police dropped charges, assurance by judge that I would not receive custodeial sentence if convicted. Fear therefore appears to be law taking up my case again, reversion back to citizenship.

Post 5

She also said in the email - perhaps written after advice of the spirit, that Dr Potter (who has an interest in ground loops) is thinking of sectioning me 3 because I have not responded to appointment letters. None have come, I have been waiting for them. Had they come I would have seen him after the hearing of the 22nd. Those of you knoweth, those of you in law, will understand this. My solicitors are in the process of prosecuting those that broke down my door are they not? It is how it will be displayed in the documentary.

Post 4

Since I was arrested at Edmonton Green by the traffic police, and taken to Edmonton Green the most local station (at least it wasn't the terrorism one), it has been very quiet. That was many weeks ago. At the police station where I declined to answer questions at solicitor instructions, which I reluctantly agreed to, they postponed my plea date at court for a couple of weeks for further enquiries by the Crown Prosecution Service. As it took place during a robbery at the station by five men.(a beat)I cannot give you other details. They have postponed plea to the 15th January 2010, and Natasha confirmed this in her email to me today.

Post 3 below . . .

. . .
She useth italic text in today's letter, correction email, the first of response that I having received from her/them of their office in Walthamstow. Walthamstow is a long way from me, what is wrong with the local branches?(a beat)Like I do here. If you think it is corrolated then to you it is corrolated, but be sensible concerning it. Permit coincidences. Or it will lead you astray from the faiths.

Post 2

I have not received any letters. I have been waiting for them to come, two at least. But I have had some email correspondence, also with my solicitor Natasha, whose wording sounds like a voice from the past. The wording causeth fear, great fear, such as that which the boy would have undergone and there is one sitting next to me. But there is a problem.

17 December 2009

The hearing is about the 22nd(a beat). I wasn't going to say anything here (until afterwards, perhaps not even then). As knoweth I have been working about my art doth wise, and painting wise.(a beat). The pc is very sensitive, as indeed I myself once was. Mistyping and doing things in the games like remote operation. It is posssible but unlikely, just sensitivity I think. In some versions of Xp it can be turned down, and I did this with my own one. An apron is not acquired as yet.