Thursday, 29 April 2010

Post 3

"Walls are interesting Seeth. Later on, tonight maybe, we will do another ball, one with stripes. First we will do one with straight stripes, and then after we have done that we will do one with wavy ones. By this mean lines that curve, first one way and then another. It will make it interesting for us to do. Like when we did the sails."
(a beat)
"And sails are interesting too."
(a beat)
"Why doth I say that about the meat and the beer? The beer is the same that is what I meant. It is the only thing that doth not change. I think that what we have is meant to be enhanced by it."
(a beat; after a time)
"Perhaps we have to regulate it Ir."
(a beat)
"Yes, this is good, this is what we will do."

Post 2

"I have been keeping my eye on the ball this last two weeks, coloring the drawings. The shop where I get the books havn't been selling the ones that I like despite repeated asking for them to get some in, and assurances thereof, so I am doing my own. And I tell myself, as I think you should, that this is a flower, a car, the hull of a boat, a wall, and now we are putting this or that color in."
(a beat)
"This is very good Ir," Said Seeth.

Thursday - The next day

"I wasn't going to come, I came yesterday," I said.
(a beat)
"Not all of it, most of it . . ."
(a beat)
"I thot I would feel unwell but it all cleared after I had something to eat, and this morning after I slept, 3 am there was no hangover or anything. That is good I suppose isn't it?"
(a beat)
"Yes, said Seeth, I suppose it is."

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Enter Mr Winder - Post 6

"And the man caught a shark, and we are left not knowing whether it was a shark or an alligator. Perhaps it doth not matter. But I would like to know what the horse saw."
(a beat)
"We do not have such things here. If the man falls in it doth not matter."
(a beat)
"This bag is free for you to do with as you wish," says Seeth.

Enter Mr Winder - Post 5

"The horse had no knowledge that there was a prediator in the lake," says Seeth. It thot it was crossing a deep river. The man on the bridge with a rod about its neck would have meant nothing to it. Then it bolted at the first sight of prey, namely it, something white moving just under the surface. Yes, I grant you, twenty feet long with teeth as sharp as razors.

Enter Mr Winder - Post 4

"When I was a kid, says Ir, "there was an old barge sunk in the basin at Shadwell in East London, I thot it was about twenty foot when I fished there - someone said an eel came over the steps - we could see the front part of it in the murky water, our floats hoping for fish. But now I think that perhaps it was more like forty foot of it, that went right out. And the other night, no last night, sharks and alligators in fresh water. That horse, man, it was frightened when it went in knowing it was live bait, I could see it on the expression on its face.

Enter Mr Winder - Post 3

"Perhaps he was scared someone was checking up on him." Says Seeth.
(a beat)
"Yes, I guess that means we have things in common." Says Ir.
(a beat)
Balance the Cat and the Mouse watch as the Mr Winder and Bolt move slightly more apart, almost to the point when Mr Winder is standing behind Ir.

Enter Mr Winder - Post 2

Seeth gives them a 1 lb bag of earth each.
(a beat)
"I have had ten pints Seeth, a mixture of Strongbow and Guiness, on account of this. But I profer you that it is for our betterment. For there are girls in the pubs sometimes, and more notably outside them. One gave me her phone number once but nothing came of it. I phoned it but the man said "Read my lips."

Enter Mr Winder

Enter, Mr Winder who pushes the door open somewhat gently, followed by Mr Bold, and they stand a little apart!

Post 4

Today it is seven Strongbows - he of the accurate arrows - and two Guiness, and perhaps one more before I go back. Those of you knoweth the alcohol is the same unlike fish and meat. Certainly there is iron in all, but it must be costlier. Logic tells me this thinketh. But hear and cider is the same.

Post 3

Did someone edit my post? I don't know and I don't care. Perhaps they overlooked something.
(a beat)
Those of you backing up many .wmv files to dvd keep it in mind that the dvds do not always copy back to pens! So I'll wear a little bag about my person as a fashion statement. Let the dvd dictate, yes?

Post 2

I bot Sight and Sound, so I'll have a look through that. Sometimes there are girls in the pub.
(a beat)
I was very tired today, over-tired, falling asleep, but I wanted to know if as well as the cider the barley would absorb the tiredness. At first the anser was no, but now the anser is yes. You got to know how to do it, how to meditate it in to your being, so that this most prolific thing that the Lord God Yahweh has provided will rubberise your body. Even my lips which speaketh . . .


What did I mean by any of this? I will go back and print it for the doth. I did not plead to anyone's wife! And how how are the forty rooms, a question that I have asked before. Everything is a struggle, the art, going out, what to do when you go out. End up in the pub. I have been laying in twelve hours after waking up, but I must get back to getting up, cook the eggs, do some coloring, go out. At least the pictures are remaining as pictures, last night I did some coloring of my own sketches, the hull of a barge based on a memory of fishing as a kid.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Post 6

At the weekend he will go fishing. He has basic equipment and a bit more incase it rains. He inspects his floats and hooks, as Balance wonders what they are. A little mouse is next to him. The day's stock packed up on the shelves. It is What You See Is What You Get, and when it's gone it's gone. He thinks about the lake where he will go, and setting down in his chair with the rod on the rest, casting out. "The sun is here", he says.

Post 5

He opens a local newspaper where there is a big article on the inside cover, apparently addressed to the local populace, and sets the camera on it. To avoid spillage as he takes a screwdriver to the case, he wants to put a new battery in to see if it works so that he can take some night time shots with the flash.
Seeth therefore prepares the earth in his shop, he thinks it look alright. He has two counters in there, one that he stands behind and the other that the cat sits on. It is on full display but he is aware that something is just not quite right. So he tinkers with it, as also he does with an old camera. There is no film in it, he just likes to look at it. To remember I suppose how they used to be. "It was always difficult to get this film in straight" he says to himself.

Post 3

There is also a little Noddy car driven by a policeman that likes to come down Fore Street, take the big roundabout, then go back again. Have you seen it or is he driving too fast? Siren blazing it's funny really if there weren't so many people.

Post 2 - Jack the Fireman

Jack the Fireman came down Church Street the other day as I came out of the train station, siren blazing. So I took cover in a shop which had many chairs in it, shiny ones, and he went right past turning off to the right where the signals are. I guess he must have lost it. He was formerly a lorry driver, and he has asked us to be given a mention in the doth.


No, these are not my words.
(a beat)
Balance the Cat looks on as Seeth prepares his fishing tackle. Which readeth those rods are not what they used to be. Aluminium rests for lightness of carry are much better for the fishing experience. When I was a kid my dad took me fishing, and i went with friends, the tackle was very heavy. He made one out of solid steel, I suppose with a welded tip.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Post 4 - The Fragmanetation Process

In my right mind I choose to have the fragmentation process.
(a beat)
The words have gone. Those of you that knoweth bear in mind that I am intoxicated! I would not swear by your wife, but about last night. I . . . don't know, was it really I?
(a beat)
It seems odd now, that you in so rich a splendour - how are the rooms - forty years later - (a beat)(What have I said, bracket not mine. I like it like this, I would tell you about the doth, and ask you about yours thereof. It is very hot here, such that one cannot move.

Post 3

I printed my letter! And I got a copy for myself! Just in case, I know it isn't so. But i AM going to get that fcvheeseburger befoe I go. It donesn't work like that.
(a beat)
I wanted to know if that which kicks in, like it did this morning, it doesnt't always do so, you got to drink ti right, stays in you, in you4r mind, after you af have gone outside, when the water has clearned from your cistern, and I guess the anser is yes it does, but for how long. The other day I had but on ehour to do the thintgs that i WANTED eo to do, but now I have perhaps one hour to get to the freehouse where I can get another pint, for that i s hwat I want.

Post 3

It has kicked in now, and I have a new magazine! That will tide me over until next week. Even at the raffle I was not without you, someone in their wisdom doth beseige me Ir, come now up until our turret! So I came, and I spent the night leaving you with but cobwebs, and if I met you now i WOULD not care, no, not I, fo rI seeth, Ir, Rodney, wherefore art you?
(a beat)
I am at my house Ir. The house, one of a row that overlooks many, and I seeth your hourse, a long house, some thirthy no forty foot, in a drive, like a stable, yes, some two hundred freeedt, quiet, with sensor lights, you interact with is those yues, have you thot o f overgijng oj the internet again? How difficult would that be, hmmm? Where you are, wh#ith a steel stair case, qhwhat about connecting yours to that, what, was it sometuing that I said?

Post 2

This is one of my better posts yes? I know you seeth this and laugh, the kind of laugh that could only come from more than one pint of that which sparks the mind, that thakes it to places where laughter and joy is incaonmparible to anything that we can imagine here on earth. And will they give me a cheeseburger before I go back, just one more, for it has kicked in now, it has kicked in now.

Saturday Post Two

This morning, 2 pints of Strongbow, I remember pulling back on the bow with leather across the palm, intent on hitting the target, the bullsyeye!, or thereabouts, how strong that would make one feel, at 3.359 fo r 3 pints. . . then 5 pints in the pub before I cam ehere, and another one for goood measure, ha ha, what is that phrase?, I got to tho ivfive you five pounds, no not right now, I got to g et the busses back. Next week ok, yues essais One of Miy charachtrers. I know you like it like this as you are like this yourselveses, but an another time. Yes?

Post 5

Sounds of terror Seeth (Rodney) as Ballance the Cat looks on. My little stories are coming along. These continue in longhand. He has running a small gardening shop and his customers keep asking him, much like "See you later" which has caught on, "Where is the earth, Rod?" With any luck this will catch on too. For he has it on display in the shop. Originally it was not on display but now it is. I have laid out the set, but now I need to work on the dialogue if there is going to be any.

Post 4

Sometimes these are not formal cars, but cars that have sirens. Sometimes they are not even cars.

Post 3 - Sounds of Terror

The first siren of the day goes off, and a landline phone. Sounds of Terror.(a beat)
It is written that he (they) will not be remembered by their place! Or, `their place will not remember them.' This means their place of work, house, area etc. I was going to say this but I acquired an opportunity to insert it into the text!

Post 2

However he has been doing this for some time, working with Little Black Box, and now the curse has been added. If it doth work on its own I suspect it would be the same type of thing. Any utterances of the words facilitates the doth. Which is good.


Well one of my characters is in the studio when watcheth, turning everything to the doth. Moreover when sayeth I have heard others doing likewise, which is good. This is what is meant by a curse, for one has to enable it.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Post 5

I remember training in media, holding a microphone on the end of a pole at the one training to be an anchor, while another operated the camera.

Post 4

Of all the people worldwide that are looking in . . .
(a beat)
The teletype should be banned or otherwise should carry the (c) of the one who has written it.

Post 3

The teletype is a piece of hardware having incoming text whose authenticity often cannot be verified.

Post 2

This happens also if I speak aloud at the place, in an instant it is on the studio teletype. But we are aware that the teletype is the weakest port.


The last three posts that I have made were dictated by the man. Like the words were not mine.
(a beat)
Three times this happend on different days.
(a beat)
I have found my words being used more than I would like, you know that I do not like them being used at all. So I have put a curse on them.
(a beat)
I do not know what this means, only that it is something that we can do.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Post 3

I was getting into a schedule, but it is how I do my coloring. Or perhaps I am mistaken, perhaps I should pursue that schedule, perhaps that is better.
(a beat)
Some games, yes?

Post 2

I put some chicken in a bag last night and a fly was interested in it. Or maybe it was just because the fridge door was open. I suspect it was the chicken but I can't really tell. So I'll cook it in the morning I think, it will be alright then. There are three pieces and I will enjoy them. With potato and veg and herbs.
(a beat)
The ambulance met me stuck in the traffic as I left the freehouse at Enfield Town so I went into the recruitment agency. You know the type of thing, seth it was in relation to them. There was a woman in there, a civilian, so I told them I would go out again. Another one met me at Southgate. I guess their assisting me.
(a beat)
Now that I've had a pint I will watch some tv. You have to have thick pens or you can't complete the projects. I would like to go to the Loch just to see it for myself and take some pictures of my own, maybe get something that no-one else has. But that will come I suppose, one day I'll just find myself on the train, or the bus, or the boat.

8th April

I bot some coloring pens today, some thicker ones that I need. It is no longer a case of what am I goung to do this evening, but how am I going to get into my coloring, and am I going to cook the chicken?
(a beat)
Has my blog concluded or shall I continue it on and off? The latter I think. I was down at Liverpool Steet and a woman using a camera sat next to me taking pictures like I had done, so I asked her if it was a student project or a professional one. She said twice that it was just a project. I sugested that we do a doth. Nothing was said. She just got up and walked off, which is ok. I did a doth but I don't know . . .
(a beat)
I find myself at Southgate. It is hot, too hot for the coat but I won't get another one. I'll use the quilted shirt that I've got open over a tee shirt when the weather gets hot out all the time. That will be ok. Or one of the 2XL cotton ones, the latter I think.