Saturday, 30 April 2011

Casting My Bread (Cont'd) 2nd May 2011 Post 1 of 1

I did not want to post here until I had uploaded my doth. As I have added to forums to my Action Against site, which site name is appropriate in more ways than one (i.e. Action Against inactivity etc). The first called Comments where I incorrectly included a bit about a potential and wish to get together with other people, and the second called Notes where I continue this and add that I am putting a CV together that I can present to Literary Agents in due course. So go there and read that if you want to, and follow my posts and other peoples' posts at the Mental Health Forum, or if like I you think that my saying that at this time is wishful thinking, then do not do so and just follow my text here. The current stats suggest that it would be better for me to do my texting here. Also, having added these two forums to the Action Against site, I am not happy that they are on that site. But I shall continue to add more forums there in anticipation that there are some people who might potentially get together with who are interested in both subject matters, or who are willing that the first subject matter is to be included. My Comments will be at my thread at the Mental Health Forum first, then I will copy it over there.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Casting My Bread - 27-4-11 - Post 1 of 1

Continuing the Casting My Bread saga, I have been going to the Mental Health Forum recently which seems to me to be a better place than my own new board Against Illegal Actions by NHS And Police (or words to this effect), which instead of a testimonies board shall become an information one. I will probably put a certain amount of information on it over a long period of time then leave off for a while, leaving it to do its thing as a small site. So I will add more boards to it of interest, make my own posts and see if anyone joines and replies. This feedback that I got seems to imply that the amount of people with testimonies would be minimal, i.e. a hanful and not a big amount. Which would confirm that the ambulance service does not have available vehicles to carry out such a task.

I will be making comments on some of the webpages whose hyperlinks have been given at the Mental Health Forum, in my own intelligent way with accuracy not unlike that of an MI5 proof reader, but you know I am only playing a part. It surprises me that the people that say this to us the public at their websites overlook things that to me are in plain view as though emphasied in bold text. So I will be commenting on this to see if in any way it is helpful. Albeit not to change law but to change people in Governement's thoughts concerning it.

I am currently working on some scripts about court dialogue, about the same with supernatural content by my MI5 agent CPA Process and an CIA agent Ampage Watts, and I am in the process of completing a 37 scene doth called Doth - At The Loch 1, which will be uploaded here in a few weeks.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Casting My Bread (Cont'd) Tuesday 5th April 2011 Post 1

The police have asked me to give you an update concerning what the current situation is between the NHS and myself and perhaps a hanful of others in the Edmonton areas. The Citizens Advice Bureau has sent a letter to them asking for me to be separated from that community as was the case immediately before I met Anselem, and for 9 years previously. We are currently awaiting their confirmation that they will do this, at the same time as our Prime Minister has said that the NHS is listening for information and feedback (words mine) from the public concerning his new changes. It is logical that this must include to the Mental Health law.

For the last two nights I have been attempting to copy and paste a gothic type window from one picture file to another, which is at an angle so has curved and a slightly pointed section. There is no facility in the Paint.Net program to draw a curved line accurately to allign with it. I have tried doing it with a circle, the circle select, and by drawing a curved line. After trying this for two days, I realised last night that it can be easily done by filling in the base picture section, then copying the window and a color surround on top of it on a layer, then by deleting the color surround. I am expecting the window to appear in the base surround, i.e. a wall, as to fit it accurately.