Monday, 6 July 2009


And have you done that which Copper Bond have, opting for steel rods over wires (by which me meant instead of, for the latter would sag)? In documentary style and why shouldn't I, for there are others doeth so which I having yet to come across. Perhaps looketh is the key. Looketh is the key with the emergency vehicles all over me. Some type of positive circuit that is being diverted. Anyway, Abel Cane has opted for that of his friend's namesake who is still at Urquhart with Sim 1. I suspect that all of us that having become concerned about this doeth are being led to information about similar things, as to the process, that are not that constructive. I myself have, and by choice I am pursuing it. It is more freely available to me then this doeth is, and in my circumstances it is necessary.

It is also interesting. Perhaps I would have pursued it through college if those cars had not stopped opposite the bus stop late at night. Now I want to know how it is done in cars as well and the emergency vehicles are going to assist me.

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