Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Continued . . .

Shall I tell you about all the young women on the two busses, notably the first one, or about the one with the plastic Apple that I ended up having a chat with (a civilian)? Only that I didn't know who they were, but I thot it odd that, as it were, they knew of my movements. But then again Incoming Data and Little Black Box knoweth of theirs, all of them simultaneously no matter what they do. He sometimes permits seeth.

Or about the two maniacs in the speeding police cars that overtook the second bus nearing seventy miles per hour forty feet away from a dark dual carriageway and massive intersection in the dark? They have IT specialists at New Scotland Yard that I have had email correspondence with, so perhaps they will us the public here in London with this most necessary doth. Perhaps they will at least begin that process.

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