Friday, 27 August 2010

(a beat)
I am still thinking about that too, and I do allow some things! (a beat) Now Copper Rod and the Witnesses are still at Urquhart where we left them, unless one assumes they all moved on - we'll do it both ways - and there was a Light there who has asked to work with us on the doth, to have parts in them. As sayeth Useth is in Oxford doing some research with gas baloons, having done research at the loch, and Bits goes there sometimes. (a beat) The Abels, Misa (who having worked on this doth with me in Dos and in Word, notably our At The Inn script piece for the crew, Bit-Part 2, 3, and Spike are still at Bit-Part 3's studio apartment here in London, discussing the doth. I asked them to do this and they have been doing it most excellently.

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