Friday, 27 August 2010

a beat
(It is 1.23 pm and it feels a bit odd now writing this here, but it is best I think. I have not put any story or plot here, it is just laying out the text of that which we have already done online. No, I would not put story and plot here. I would have to keep that in my mind, that is unless Seeth changes the law. The other day as I watched a dvd there was some interference, then I saw that the little nut and bolt was undone. The bolt measuring about a milimetre across is about 1.5 inches long. And it had been done up with a pair of plyers and a screwdriver. Anyway, I redid that and it is ok now).
(a beat)
But can I write dialogue for the shed here, or more notably redo it from memory, while tired?
(a beat)
Bit-Part and Copper Bond, also Pigeons, can I write dialogue for the shed scene here or more notably redo it from memory while tired? I have written some good dialogue while very tired. And why would I do so unless to redo it as a typing exercise?
(a beat)
Ir, be on your guard.
Pigeons has detected something while flying closely overhead. Perhaps Incoming Data is about.
Pigeons, what would I be on my guard against?
(a beat)
Incoming Data Ir. It seeks to drive us off course.
(a beat)
Bit-Part and Copper Bond are we currently on course?
(a beat)
Yes Ir. Let's just keep it in mind for a little while.

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