Thursday, 24 February 2011

Casting My Bread (Cont'd) 24th February 2011 - Post 2

Those of you that want to know what this police unit is that carry out acts of violence at the request of social workers, can have a look at them here. Note the url at top in your browser, and also note the type face. I saved it to disk and left it as it is without converting it to something more readable. It is a bit odd, as is the wording at the end. (Highlight the link with mouse, copy and paste it to the top of browser, and press return):

Citing the text (bold words my emphasis):

Cash Boost allows Trust to Extend Haringey Police Liaison Scheme
The Haringey Police Liaison Scheme started in July 2005 based on a pan-London model.

Following the success of the service, extra funding has been provided by Haringey Safer and Stronger Communities Fund to extend the hours of the scheme. The service provides a mental health assessment for adults in custody with mental health problems, which is carried out by a forensic CPN.

May 2007

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