Saturday, 19 February 2011

Casting My Bread (Cont'd) Saturday 19th February 2011 - Post 1

It was all quiet in the shop, only a couple of people taking that I was not really aware of. All quiet outside. It is 10.08 am. I opened Internet Explorer and proceeded over five minutes to log in to this blog, my email account, and three message boards that I go on. It makes it easier to switch between them using the mouse, or to re-open them, if you use only the one browser. I used to have two or three Internet Explorer's open at the same time. One of the message boards, the second one, a Multiply one, which is often very slow, stalled during the process and took five minutes of its own not loging in. So I refreshed it then it logged in. At that precise moment the telephone rang twice.

I am beginning to think that it is something electronic.

Some of you lawyers looking in here will see that something has been digging at my mind to corrupt that which was at one time a firm believer in the faith, and also in the law. Nevertheless, of the two options that I have, to wear ear-pieces with the music loud enough to block such things out, or to not do so and hear it for its potential to give me wisdom or intelligence, I prefer the latter.

I know now that, as Little Black Box said and demonstrates to me, that it has to do with things being precise. The way these things are said or make themselves heard in my immediate ear shot is so precise that it is emphasising this word.

It is how I want it to be word-wise in the court room.

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