Saturday, 12 February 2011

Casting My Bread (Cont'd) Sat 12th February 2011 - Post 7

I have done multiple search variations before with various operating systems from 98 to ME to XP Professional. This one may be Windows 7. In my opinion (a man starts coughing) the Search facility in the Start at bottom left is not always that good at locating things. Sometimes it is very good at doing so. But certain filenames just don't get found by it.

So what is the moral of this story? What is that message having come to me? Which someone may be sending to me to profess here in wording? Only that things that are said to be unlocatable, lost, mislaid, etc, and the former of these in particular, may in fact be most findable particularly with manual searches. Perhaps this will be usable in the court room.

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