Tuesday, 27 October 2009

I have asked Solicitor therefore to tell the police to back off (like they used to when I had the motorbike, I said I had to get into a certain area of London on it . . .) if I go to the probation service in Enfield Town and give them my permission to get report from Gp. As long as I do not think this to be a police trap thereof. For identifying myself there could permit them to call police and say to them "The one that you are looking for is here", and delay it until they come. But solicitor said that it should be alright, even though I would prefer to exercise my Rights.

It will take my probably two days to do this. Either this afternoon or tomorrow. Then she will give me the letter, and I will give her permission to get report from my Gp as well. But having done this I do not know if I will speak to anyone at mental health services, however as a gesture of my good will (remember this?) I will telephone Anselom and ask him what he wants. And notably if he remembers that I asked him at the first meeting to phone the Dss, and he was not able to get anywhere with them. If he does remember this perhaps he will then back off as well and think that what he is doing towards me is not quite right. And then I will forget all about it, and he can keep his assumption of immunity to prosecution (lie I once did).

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