Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Post 29.

"So you would like it very much Mr Anselom, and those having seen before - it was you . . . - (the man leaves, now he is back) - I ought not have said that and didn't, if I tell you about my background, about the background, i.e. one which involves other people. People that are saying nothing right now excepting to emit whistling from their lips. Even a boy has been doing it, I have seen him a few times. The latter I imagine instructed, recognition by sight. But the men??? I have observed with my eyes in recent days a number of people - writers having an optical illusion as said - that which may interpret as "We recognise you and trust that you will win the case, you'll get a fine or something. Thank you for not saying anything." But the pink paper apparently has supplied my solicitor, as I had to take evasive action this morning to get to the court effectively disappearing off the radar, even Pigeons couldn't find me, with ammunition should I change my pleas on the 24th.

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