Friday, 30 October 2009

Post 11

1 hour later
(a beat)
I went out for a bit, and Pigeons was there with a friend. He was near to the Greggs bakery so I went in. When I came out again the both of them were pecking at crumbs or something facing the wall, like with their beaks right against it. So I went on my way.
(a beat)
Then a little later as I came back again they were on the opposite side of the main road, lots of traffic, some high sided, so I went over to where they were. I had seen them swoop down. But before doing that I saw one of my pears in an expensive car.
(a beat)
I would opt for one of the vans myself, a Box one or a wide one. The extra inches do make a difference, I know it seems that it would not, but seven foot wide on the inside is better than six feet which most vans are.
(a beat)
My Dla has not come in.

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