Thursday, 29 October 2009

Post 23

My Barrister at the court had used phrasology that was a sound-a-like of something someone said to me in the distant past, which caused me fear at the time. Such that I did not implement it. But last night before I slept (I had the television on briefly but turned it off), I gave it in prayer thought wise thereof, as I lay in my bed, and decided that it was a soundalike that is all. It is possible but improbable, due to our having won the first case, that she was quoting it to cause me fear.
(a beat)
I have sent an email to my solicitors today, to say that there is confusion.
(a beat)
It is good to be able to do so, and I trust that all those to whom I am so doing are replying in person.
(a beat)
I refuse to print this blog as is my Custom. Instead I am saving it to the pen. How likely is it that I will be able to do this forever without ever again printing anything?
(a beat)
Did you like my house, those of you that entered it, like looking around at all my private stuff?
Commissioner have you considered . . .

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