Thursday, 29 October 2009

Post 17

It feels good actually, doing what I do. It does not feel any different to what I have always done.
(a beat)
It would be nice if I could from here on stick with email for all my correspondence however many contacts I should get, and print nothing as was the objective of email when it first began. Instead there was tons of paperwork as we all printed the emails as a back up to the electronic one held by the email companies. It would be nice if I could do electronic correspondence only and never print anything whatsoever every again, even if it is possible that a hijacker could hack in and delete everything. I wouldn't care one iota, and I would just start over again, albeit redoing my character list. Let's redo that Copper Rod at the Seaside scene, yes?
(a beat)
To The Commissioner Of Police at New Scotland Yard:
(a beat)
I know that you are very busy, dealing with various things, but I do expect you to be conerned somewhat about this, notably because of my dealings with the Official Secrets Act. Many online typists can of course refer to it and the police would only give it a read.

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