Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Post 21.

2.22 pm, I thot about leaving then in less than a second bought another hour, as several ambulance sirens go off and I record their sound on the webcam. "Let's put it all over him as he leaves" yes, as I recall reading in this morning's Sun of a police driver who got 6 and a 1.2 years for driving fast and lying about it, after killing someone. He was a street racer, so don't target anyone that races their vehicles excepting the ambulance drivers. A miscalculation, I like those.

And I like to think that these drivers and the mental health people do not have a literal immunity to prosecution. That in due course some of them will begin to face charges. For what they have done to me back in July 2002 for which I stated that I hate their guts, and for what they have done to others.

I know you have a guilty conscience concerning what you did, you are making it obvious.

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