Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Post 13

And so I spill out my trauma here, as is my custom. And mix it with a little fiction as is my Right. In all of this it is my Human Right to speak, out, albeit on behalf of others. And what is in it for me when the Magistate permits the media to go public with a little of it? Only that I am contending for that faith. For the truth. What do you want me to say? That I think that there are two spikes of different lengths there, and the loop made contact with something inside my head? That this informed me in advance (for I went into the alley, I did not get out of a car or approach from the side - although I am interested in the car) that there was a fly tipper truck there, and that there was a hammer inside the vehicle "Ir, open the door, the rear nearside one, take the hammer in your hand, and put the windows through with it. They will arrest you but will not be able to prove that it was you because this will have to do with the past." No thanks. I would prefer to change my plea to not guilty.

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